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CASE IH Manuals: Operator Manual, Service Repair, Electrical Wiring and Parts

Factory Original Case IH Manuals

Case IH is one of the leading agriculture equipment manufacturers. Case IH produces some of the most iconic equipment of all time including the Baler, Combine, Harvester, Tractor and Loader to name a few. Click an equipment type from the list below or call us to purchase a factory original Case IH operator, service repair, electrical wiring or parts catalog manual.Click here for Case Construction Manuals

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Related Questions

Who owns Case IH?

CNH Case New Holland began in 2012 and merged CNH and Fiat International, as manager for 12 distinct brands including CASE IH, New Holland and others. The brands maintain their identities, and continue to produce high quality agricultural equipment. Case IH has been in business for more than 170 years.

Where are the engines for Case IH made?

The engines for the Case IH Tractors are made in the Racine, Wisconsin plant. Jerome Increase Case founded the Racine Threshing Machine Works there in 1842.

How many hours can a Case tractor get in its useful life?

A Case IH tractor should always get at least 4000 hrs. But many tractors will get 5-10K hours. This depends on different factors, such as following a regular maintenance schedule for your Case tractor, as well as the speed the tractor was driven.

"I have found that being honest is the best technique I can use. Right up front, tell people what you're trying to accomplish and what you're willing to sacrifice to accomplish it. - Lee Iacocca

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