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DODGE SPRINTER Manuals: Owners Manual, Service Repair, Electrical Wiring and Parts

Factory Original DODGE SPRINTER Manuals

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Related Questions

Is Dodge Sprinter the same as Mercedes Sprinter?

Yes, the Dodge Sprinter is the same vehicle as the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter. The Sprinter was originally introduced by Mercedes-Benz in 1995 and was marketed under various brand names, including Freightliner, Dodge, and Volkswagen. The Dodge Sprinter was sold in the United States from 2003 to 2009 and was essentially a rebadged version of the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter. In 2010, when Chrysler (Dodge's parent company) filed for bankruptcy, Mercedes-Benz took back the Sprinter brand and has been selling it in the United States under the Mercedes-Benz nameplate ever since.

How long do Dodge Sprinters last?

The lifespan of a Dodge Sprinter will depend on a variety of factors, including how well it is maintained, how often it is driven, and how it is used. With proper maintenance, a well-cared-for Dodge Sprinter can last for over 400,000 miles or more. This is especially true for Sprinters that are used for commercial purposes, such as delivery vehicles, as they are built to withstand heavy use and have been known to last for several hundred thousand miles. However, like any vehicle, a Sprinter may require more frequent repairs as it ages, and eventually, it may become more cost-effective to replace it rather than continue to repair it.

Is a Dodge Sprinter a diesel?

Yes, the Dodge Sprinter is typically equipped with a diesel engine. Diesel engines are popular in commercial vehicles like the Sprinter because they are generally more efficient and offer better torque for hauling cargo or towing. The specific diesel engine in a Dodge Sprinter will depend on the model and year of the vehicle, but most Sprinters are equipped with diesel engines made by Mercedes-Benz, as the Sprinter was originally designed and manufactured by Mercedes-Benz.

"Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement." - Henry Ford

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