Factory Original CASE LOADER BACKHOES 580N Manuals
Click below to select your product CASE LOADER BACKHOES 580N. View factory original operator, service repair, electrical wiring diagram and parts catalog manuals for the CASE LOADER BACKHOES 580N. If you’re looking for FACTORY manuals, DIY Repair Manuals is your online superstore. Click or call now.
Click Your Product CASE LOADER BACKHOES 580N
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Related Questions
What is the operating weight of the CASE LOADER BACKHOE 580N?
The operating weight of the CASE LOADER BACKHOE 580N is approximately 14,600 lbs.
Does the CASE LOADER BACKHOE 580N have a hydraulic thumb option?
Yes, the CASE LOADER BACKHOE 580N is available with a hydraulic thumb option. A hydraulic thumb is a mechanical attachment for an excavator or backhoe that can be used to grip and move objects by applying pressure. It consists of a metal plate with a hinge at one end, which can be opened and closed by hydraulic cylinders.
What is the horsepower rating of the CASE LOADER BACKHOE 580N engine?
The CASE LOADER BACKHOE 580N is equipped with a 74-horsepower engine.