Factory Original GROVE CRANE RT65S Manuals
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Related Questions
What is the maximum boom length of the Grove Crane RT65S?
The maximum boom length of the Grove Crane RT65S is around 115 ft (35 m). The boom consists of a five-section full-power boom with a quick-reeving boom nose and a maximum tip height of 180 ft (55 m) when equipped with the optional 33 ft (10 m) telescopic swing-away extension.
What is the maximum outrigger width of the Grove Crane RT65S?
The maximum outrigger width of the Grove Crane RT65S is 21.8 ft (6.6 m). The crane's outriggers are hydraulically extendable and can be set up in asymmetric configurations for increased versatility on job sites with limited space. The outriggers are equipped with outrigger position monitoring systems to ensure they are set up correctly and safely.
What safety features does the Grove Crane RT65S have?
The Grove Crane RT65S is equipped with several safety features to ensure safe and efficient crane operation. These features include a load moment indicator, which provides a warning when the crane approaches its maximum rated capacity; an anti-two block system, which prevents the crane's hook from colliding with the boom tip; and an outrigger position monitoring system, which ensures that the crane is set up correctly and safely.