Factory Original KENWORTH T660 Manuals
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Related Questions
How much horsepower does a 2017 KENWORTH T660 have?
The horsepower of a 2017 Kenworth T660 can vary depending on the engine configuration and options selected. However, the standard engine option for the 2017 Kenworth T660 is the PACCAR MX-13 engine, which has a maximum horsepower rating of 455-500 HP. Other engine options can be available with different horsepower ratings.
How many cylinders is a KENWORTH T660?
The number of cylinders in a KENWORTH T660 truck varies depending on the engine configuration. The T660 model has multiple engine options, including the Cummins ISX, PACCAR MX-13, and Caterpillar C15, each of which can have different cylinder configurations. However, standard engine configurations for the KENWORTH T660 include 6, 12, or 16 cylinders.
When did Kenworth stop making T660?
Kenworth discontinued the production of the T660 model in 2017. The T660 was replaced by the T680 model, which offers improved fuel efficiency and aerodynamics. The T680 also incorporates advanced safety features and a redesigned interior for driver comfort.