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PETERBILT 352 1977 Operators, Service Repair, Electrical Wiring & Parts Manuals

Factory Original PETERBILT 352 1977 Manuals

The PETERBILT 352 1977 has proven popular over the years. Below are the factory original PETERBILT 352 1977 operators and service repair manuals available. In addition, this page has links to the electrical wiring and parts manuals for the PETERBILT 352 1977. These are the exact manuals your PETERBILT dealer has and are the best money can buy. If PETERBILT 352 1977 is not what you are looking for, click on the navigation links or call our friendly staff for manuals for all trucks, engines, transmissions and equipment in the United States. Click or call now.

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Related Questions

What type of cab does the 1977 Peterbilt 352 have?

The 1977 Peterbilt 352 typically came with a cab-over-engine (COE) design, which positioned the cab over the engine for a more compact overall length and better maneuverability. The COE design also provided better visibility for the driver, as they were positioned directly above the front axle. This cab was popular for urban and regional hauling, where maneuverability was important.

What type of suspension does 1977 Peterbilt 352 have?

The 1977 Peterbilt 352 was equipped with a leaf spring suspension system. Leaf springs are long, thin, curved pieces of metal stacked on top of each other to support the vehicle's weight. This suspension type is known for its durability and ability to handle heavy loads, making it popular in commercial trucks like the Peterbilt 352. However, leaf spring suspensions can be harsher on the ride than other types, such as air or hydraulic suspensions.

What is the wheelbase of 1977 Peterbilt 352?

The 1977 Peterbilt 352 had a wheelbase of 224 inches. The wheelbase is the distance between the centers of the front and rear axles. This specification can affect the stability and maneuverability of the truck, as well as its ability to handle different types of cargo.

"I have found that being honest is the best technique I can use. Right up front, tell people what you're trying to accomplish and what you're willing to sacrifice to accomplish it. - Lee Iacocca

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