Factory Original PETERBILT 389 Manuals
Click below to select your year PETERBILT 389. View factory original operators, service repair, electrical wiring diagram and parts catalog manuals for the PETERBILT 389. If you’re looking for FACTORY manuals, DIY Repair Manuals is your online superstore. Click or call now.
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Related Questions
What are the available transmission options for the Peterbilt 389?
The Peterbilt 389 can come with a variety of transmission options, including the Eaton Fuller 10-speed, the Eaton Fuller 13-speed, and the Eaton Fuller 18-speed.
Is the Peterbilt 389 available in different cab configurations?
Yes, the Peterbilt 389 is available in different cab configurations, including a day cab, a 40-inch flat-top sleeper, and a 70-inch raised roof sleeper.
What is the fuel economy of the Peterbilt 389?
The fuel economy of the Peterbilt 389 can vary depending on the specific model and configuration. However, on average it can range from around 7-8 mpg.