Factory Original CAN-AM / BRP COMANNDER Manuals
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Related Questions
What is the seating capacity of the Can-Am Commander?
The seating capacity of the Can-Am Commander varies depending on the model. The XT and XT-P models typically have a seating capacity of 2, providing comfortable seating for the driver and a single passenger. On the other hand, the Max model is designed to accommodate up to 4 passengers, with additional rear seating.
Does the Can-Am Commander have four-wheel drive?
Yes, the Can-Am Commander has a four-wheel drive (4WD) system. The 4WD system allows power distributed to all four wheels simultaneously, providing enhanced traction and control in off-road conditions. Depending on the terrain and driving requirements, the driver can engage or disengage the 4WD mode as needed.
What is the ground clearance of the Can-Am Commander?
The ground clearance of the Can-Am Commander varies depending on the specific model and configuration. On average, the Can-Am Commander typically offers a ground clearance ranging from 10 to 14 inches.