Factory Original JCB BACKHOE 214S Manuals
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Related Questions
What is the operating weight of the JCB Backhoe 214S?
The operating weight of the JCB Backhoe 214S ranges from 7,750 pounds to 8,350 pounds depending on the model.
How much petrol does JCB BACKHOE 214S use per hour?
The fuel consumption of JCB Backhoe 214S varies depending on the model, the workload, and other factors. However, it can consume around 4-5 gallons of petrol per hour.
What is the average lifespan of a JCB Backhoe 214S?
The average lifespan of a JCB Backhoe 214S can vary depending on usage, maintenance, and other factors. However, proper care and maintenance can last for over 10,000 hours of operation.