Factory Original VOLVO MOTOR GRADER G930B Manuals
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Click Your Product VOLVO MOTOR GRADER G930B
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Related Questions
What is the maximum blade width of VOLVO MOTOR GRADER G930B?
VOLVO MOTOR GRADER G930B comes with a standard blade width of 12 feet (3.66 meters), which can be extended up to 14 feet (4.27 meters) with the use of an optional blade extension. The blade is made of high-strength steel and features a curvature design, which ensures optimal material movement and leveling.
What is the fuel consumption rate of VOLVO MOTOR GRADER G930B?
VOLVO MOTOR GRADER G930B is designed for optimal fuel efficiency, with a consumption rate of approximately 20 liters per hour under normal operating conditions. The fuel tank capacity is 337 liters, which provides a maximum operating time of almost 17 hours.
What is the ground clearance of VOLVO MOTOR GRADER G930B?
VOLVO MOTOR GRADER G930B has a ground clearance of 2 feet, which provides ample space for the machine to operate on uneven terrain and rough surfaces.